Getting To Yes, the book on the Harvard approach to negotiating, has long been a favourite of mine. The four key ideas are to separate the people from the problem, to focus on interests not positions, to invent options for mutual gain, and to insist on objective criteria. Offering this as a framework for negotiating, this is one of the best texts there is.
Its focus on understanding the interests of all parties, and creating new possibilities based on that understanding seems to me to be closely related to the ManyStory Approach, albeit with a different focus. It does not go into the notion of story (and particularly the multiplicity of stories) explicitly, but nonetheless provides a way of working with them that is very effective in this context.
When I have time, I am going to re-read Winslade and Monk’s book on Narrative Mediation, and see whether there are links to be made with Fisher and Ury’s Getting to Yes.
Anyone who has read either book (or better still, both) please let me know what you think in the comments!